Clinical Services:
- Cornea services
- Retina Services
- Glaucoma
- Comprehensive eye services
- Eye trauma services
- Oculoplastic and strabismus services
- Pediatric ophthalmology services
Diagnostic services:
- Comprehensive eye services
- Glaucoma diagnostic services
- Corneal disorders diagnostic services
- Retinal disorders diagnostic services
- Refraction and spectacles Prescription
- Retinal Screening for diseases such as Diabetic Retinopathy, Myopia, ARMD
- Retina & Uvea Services
- Neuro-ophthalmology services
- Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus services
- Oculoplastic services
- ROP screening services
Major Equipment available
- Automated Perimetry
- Autorefractometer
- Auto keratometer
- A-scan (Immersions & Contact both)
- B-Scan (Ultrasound)
- Cyclocryotherapy Unit
- Digital acuity testing LED system
- Electrolysis unit
- Fundus fluorescein angiography unit
- Lensometers
- Optical coherence Tomography both anterior segment and posterior segment
- ND: YAG laser for Iridectomy, capsulotomy
- Slit lamp with Anterior segment Imaging
- Slit lamps with side viewing system (Observer tube)
- Slit lamps with applanation tonometer
- Non-contact Tonometer
- Carl Zeiss green laser with Laser indirect ophthalmoscope
- High speed flash sterilizer
Facilities available at the department
- Slit lamps (For detailed ocular examination)
- Non- Contact tonometers (For glaucoma check up)
- Indirect Ophthalmoscopes (For retinal examination)
- Auto-refractometers (For checking the glasses)
- Auto-Keratometers (For checking the refractive error)
- Lensometers (For checking the power of glasses of the patients)
- Optical coherence tomography (Retinal, Anterior segment Corneal, angle) (For examination of retinal and corneal pathologies and glaucoma check up for the optic nerves)
- Carl Zeiss automated perimetry (For visual field testing in glaucoma and neurology patients)
- Ellex A & B Scan (Ultrasound ) (For retinal pathologies)
- Carl Zeiss fundus camera with FFA machine (For retinal angiography in diabetic patients and other diseases)
- Ellex ND: YAG Laser for capsulotomy and iridotomy (For laser surgery for glaucoma and posterior capsular opacification)
- Anterior segment camera with monitor (For photography of the anterior segment pathologies such as corneal ulcers or opacities)
- Synaptophore
- Oertli Phaco Emulsification System Model Catarhex 3 Phaco System (VC821100) TM000262
- Surgical Operating Microscope Make Carl Zeiss Model OPMI LUMERA 1